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Best Blogging Platform is WordPress

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I have tried many many different blogging platform, and I have finally come to an conclusion that which one is the best blogging platform. It is WordPress. There are tens of very good blogging platforms out there, but there just aint as good as WordPress. My last blogging platform here on was Octopress, and it served me very well for last few years. It was a new technology when it was released and I was excited about it. But after using WordPress on some other websites, I knew that I had to change. There just are not as simple tool as WordPress and that makes it the best blogging platform.

Why is WordPress the best blogging platform? #

There are multiple reasons, but the reason number one is the fact that it is the simplest tool for blogging with thousands of features. The catch here is that those features are optional. Everyone will want to use some of these great features at some point. Why would you choose any other blogging framework as there might be a point where you want to do something special. In WordPress almost everything has been done and put into a plugin. Just install them and you are good to go. That is simple.

If you want to write a new blog post. Click on Add New and write it, no hassle. Want to add some images into the post? Click Add Media and upload the picture, thats it. The ease of use in the interface of WordPress Admin has been done with great passion. There are nothing too much or too little.

Did I mention the templates? There are hundreds of free magnificent templates for you to grab and have a great new look and feel on your blog.

The comments on posts are easily managed and you can avoid spam by filtering everything by your command. Or you can use Disqus to have third party commenting platform. How ever you want to achieve the thing you want to do in WordPress, the main point is that probably there is a solution already.

If you are looking for a great blogging platform, then WordPress it is. It is the best. The settings are easy to set and you shouldn’t have any think through moments with them. Just make the best blogging platform do what you want. Add a new post and write anything you want. Need a new feature like contact form? Install it from the plugins section.

I have been trying to find the best blogging platform since 2006, and I have truly found it. It is at the same time the easiest to use and the most feature rich blogging platform there is. And that makes WordPress the best blogging platform and if you disagree, please leave a comment.

You can have a free WordPress blogging platform at And if you need any more details of the best blogging platform, please look at, which maintains the project.