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Tutorial to create your own web font with SVG images

In order to easily insert little images to your websites, you should really consider using svg icons which are inserted straight into your websites font. They can be used by applying a class to certain web elements.

Font icons

First you need the SVG files of your images. Make sure they have all same aspect radius and same size. I recommend using same size on Y-axis and on X-axis, something like 88x88px. Otherwise your icons may vary in size and cause hard to do styling in HTML.

There are some projects which can converts your SVG files to a font file. In this example we are going to use Font Custom. To install it on Linux (I’m using Ubuntu) follow the next steps:

sudo apt-get install fontforge eot\-utils ttfautohint


unzip -d sfnt2woff && cd sfnt2woff && make && sudo mv sfnt2woff /usr/local/bin/

gem install fontcustom

Or if you are on Mac OS X, use these:

brew install fontforge --with-python

brew install eot\-utils

gem install fontcustom

Now when you have it installed on your machine you may convert the SVG files to the font. Use this simple example to use Font Custom:

fontcustom compile fontfolder --name my-icons

Just replace font folder to the one where your SVG images are and click enter. Font Custom will now create a folder my-icons and convert the SVG files to a font. There is a nice preview file also created by Font Custom.

You can use the font by browsing to the just created folder and including my-icons.css to your website.

<link href\="my-icons.css" rel\="stylesheet" type\="text/css"\>

On the HTML code you can now include your custom font by writing for example:

<i class\="icon-lightbulb"\></i\>

The name is inherited from the SVG file names.

Remember that in order to control the size of the custom fonts SVG image, you need to to apply font-size, not width or height.