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Vagrant Puppet Tutorial

Vagrant and Puppet are easy to configure together. In this tutorial I will show you how to setup a VirtualBox configured by Vagrant and provisioned by Puppet.

So you will need to have these installed:

By the way this should work on all platforms including Linux, OS X and Windows.

Vagrantfile example #

Create a new directory for your project and create in there a file called Vagrantfile. Paste the following into this file.

\# -\*- mode: ruby -\*-

\# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| \= "ubuntu/trusty64"

  config.vm.define "dev", primary: true do |dev|

    config.ssh.insert\_key \= false

    config.vm.hostname \= "dev.machine" "private\_network", ip: ""

    config.vm.provision "puppet" do |puppet|

      puppet.manifests\_path \= "puppet/manifests"

      puppet.manifest\_file \= "default.pp"

      puppet.module\_path \= "puppet/modules"




This is a example file which uses Ubuntu / Trusty 64 bit 14.04 LTS. The box will be contactable on localhost ( and its’ private network will be IP (which you can add to your host file with a domain). The hostname will be just dev.machine.

Puppet manifets will be applied from a folder: puppet/manifests, and Puppet modules can be found from puppet/modules. So create those folders into your project directory.

Puppet file structure #

Create a file called default.pp into puppet/manifests. Paste the following into the file:

include dev::dev

Now we are including a module called dev into the manifest. Let’s create that.

Create these folders:

Now create file called dev.pp into puppet/modules/dev/manifests. Paste the following into it:

class dev::dev {

  notify { 'Saving examplefile.txt to /tmp':}\->

  file { '/tmp/examplefile.txt':

    content \=\> template('dev/examplefile.txt'),



In the manifest we are creating an examplefile.txt from our templates which we still need to create.

Create a file called examplefile.txt into puppet/modules/dev/templates/examplefile.txt and write anything into it.

Starting up our Vagrantbox #

Now we have succesfully created the files necessary to create fully functioning VirtualBox which will be configured by our Vagrantfile and provisioned by Puppet. Start up the VirtualBox with vagrant up dev, which will download the box and configure it and provision it on the first run.

You will see all the action on the console log and afterwards you can log into the box with SSHing to [email protected] There you will find our examplefile.txt from /tmp.

Operate your Vagrantbox with the following commands:

Thats your brief guide using Puppet with Vagrant.